TruePulse is seeking a 300-1231-935 and a 300-1247-901 for an Alcatel 1540.

The 300-1231-935, HECI code SLI5CGJ, Comcode 109675595, is a System Comm Unit for an Alcatel 1540.

The 300-1247-901, HECI code SLTRAA4, is a Long Reach Optical Transmitter Unit for an Alcatel 1540.

This product has transitioned through so many companies that it is confusing! So you may be familiar with these parts with different names, such as the Optilink 300-1231-935 and 300-1247-901, the Litespan LS-2000/LS-2012 300-1231-935 and 300-1247-901, the DSC 300-1231-935 and 300-1247-901, or the Alcatel 300-1231-935 and 300-1247-901, and of course the Alcatel-Lucent 300-1231-935 and 300-1247-901.  I do not believe that Nokia supports this platform anymore.

In addition to the 300-1231-935 and 300-1247-901, we are interested in other Alcatel LS-2000/LS-2012 boards.  We are also looking for modules to other Alcatel telecommunication platforms including the 7270/7470, the DEXUS and the 7300 ASAM.


Updated November 10, 2020

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