Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, #EarthDay2020, or #EarthDay50, and a great reason to reflect from many perspectives. 

The environmental challenges facing our planet are numerous and well documented. There are those who say that the situation is dire, even hopeless. I cannot diminish the hurdles in any way. But we are making small steps in many ways.

We in the telecom industry can be proud of the fact that we are an enabling technology for people who have the ability to work from home.  And working from home reduces transportation requirements, and the associated environmental costs with transportation.  Not to mention the life style advantages of not spending those hours in transit!

TruePulse, a supplier of secondary market Central Office telecommunication equipment is particularly happy that we are actively involved with helping companies to find a new home for their surplus and decommissioned telecommunications equipment.  In addition to the obvious economic payoffs to both the seller and the buyer of the decommissioned equipment, we are all helping reduce the resources required from our planet.  Let us reflect and be happy that in our small way, our industry is making a positive impact on the Earth’s environment.

Have a great Earth Day!

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